Okay, so it's the end of September and my last post was in May. Part of me wants to say that I'm a failure as a blogger. A bigger part of me answers back, "Hey, I had a baby!! And I was BUSY doing stuff like this..."
Anastasia Miriam (Taya) was born on April 13 after a whole 2 1/2 hours of labor. Slow for me...which was awesome because we made it not only to the hospital, but also into an actual delivery room!! Now that you all hate me...here are the cute Blessing Day pictures :)
So you might be wondering to yourself, "What sort of dress does a seamstress have her baby blessed in?" The answer: One like this!! I'd had my eye on this fabric for almost the entire pregnancy. It's from Joann's. I have an extreme love/hate relationship with that store. The fabric is an embroidered organza...which I hand beaded. The dress pattern is my mom's design.

Of course, I made pantaloons and shoes. The shoes have an overlay of the dress organza...also hand beaded :)

I think these shoes are one of my crowning achievements :)

Taya is 2 months old in these pictures. Check out her little ponytail!! I love this baby's hair! Carrie (
www.nadiasplace.etsy.com) made the cute little crochet hair clip for me. Thanks Carrie!!

The AMAZING photography is by melindabryantphotography.com I'm SO glad that I know Melinda because she's a ton of fun and also because she posses skills that I lack....desperately lack.

Taya is the most happy when she has something in her mouth.

FAQ's for this dress...
Q: How long did that take you?
A: The dress/pantaloon/shoe assembly only took 5-6 hours, the beadwork I'm guessing about 20 hours. It's hard to tell exactly with having to stop and feed a baby intermittently.
Q: How did you find time to do that?
A: I didn't cook or clean or sleep for a couple of days...which is it's own punishment. Then I spent every spare minute beading.
Q: Did you make all your girls' Blessing dresses?
A: No, my mom made the first 2 and I made the last 2. They are ALL fabulous:)
Q: Why would you do that...the baby is only going to wear it once?
A: Because I can. And my baby wore her's to church twice...once for the blessing and the next week so that everyone could see it. And I made sure that EVERYONE saw it :)
Q: Are you insane?
A: Possibly :)