Thursday, May 19, 2011

What else did I do in April??

So I sort of let my blog go for a few months. Mostly because I was too busy making Easter dresses for other people to make anything new to show off on the blog. I thought you'd all get tired of "This week I made this many white eyelet pillowcase dresses and this many white eyelet bloomers"... seriously, that was what my life was like. And then, just as business was slowing down, Taya made her grand appearance and threw my groove off.

But she is SOOO cute!! These pics are courtesy of my sister Anna who takes amazing pictures :)

The seamstress in me had to have matching Easter dresses for the girls if it killed me.

I made Ivory Eyelet pillowcase dresses and bloomies for the little girls...partly because I've got this pattern DOWN and they are fast for me and part because I think they're SO cute on little girlies. The bloomies are almost unbearable to look at - they are so cute!

Anna found this cute tea cup at Joann's and we were trying to get some pictures of it for her blog. Sadly, this is one of the better shots. Taya is NOT selling this tea cup at all. Really, she was too old for this shot - we needed a floppier floppy.

I love baby feet more than a lot of things...especially baby feet with painted toe nails (I did that in the hospital) surrounded by frilly bloomies!

Here's Talia in all her Easter glory :)

The older girls are too old for pillowcase dresses. Kenzie wanted a sundress. So Kenzie and Jade have matching sundresses out of the same fabric. They are super cute but I don't have a good picture of them right now. But guess what? These dresses weren't just for Easter - Nope. My sister, Anna, is having her wedding reception in June. And my sister, Ashley, is getting sealed and having her reception in August. These dresses are going to both of those so pictures will follow!!

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